I think I ought to tell her that the English left in failure and they don't go back to France except on hols But I saw her vivisect a man who wanted to correct her and the playground soon resembled Grand Guignol
~ 8in8, "The problem with the saints (Joan of Arc)"
When the wars are finally over and the damage has been done And the mushroom cloud has darkened out the lifeblood of the sun There will be no fucking countries, there will be no fucking one When the wars are finally over and the damage has been done
When the guns have all been fired and the ammunition's gone And the corpses lie in bloody pools to wait the break of dawn There will be no mound of earth left which to raise your flag upon When the guns have all been fired and the ammunition's gone
Did you keep a watch for the dead man's wind Did you see the woman with the comb in her hand Wailing away on the wall on the strand As you danced to the Turkish song of the damned
And as I sit and talk to you I see your face go white This shadow hanging over me is no trick of the light The spectre on my back will soon be free The dead have come to claim a debt from thee
For portraits in particular, ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.
About this blog
PHOTOGRAPHS are hastily scanned (when not digital) and poorly home-developed (when not by a professional) , very rarely cropped and never ever processed, and generally unblemished by anything that could make them, well, better. THE ABOVE STATEMENT is a lie, or rather has been a lie since March 2010. I tweak levels, lightness and contrast regularly (I even used a mask once), I often crop, and I've tried colorizing a couple of photos. I use GIMP 2.6. DATES are semi-random, give or take a couple of years or more.
LOCATIONS are approximately accurate. Usually.
TITLES are not necessarily relevant.
CAPTIONS are most certainly irrelevant.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION is sometimes wildly inaccurate. Labels include films which do not even exist. I think.
TECHNOBABBLE explains recent - digital - endeavours, from the point of view of a person who knows a couple of things about film photography and 35mm cameras but fuck all about digital anything. Don't expect insightful comments on technology, expect a novice's enthusiasm - or dismay - upon learning stuff everybody else already knows.